Each year we provide £6 million of funding to make a positive difference to patient care at Addenbrooke’s and The Rosie and to improve wellbeing and learning for staff.

We’re really pleased that you’re thinking about applying for funding from ACT to help ensure that every patient at Addenbrooke’s and The Rosie experiences the best possible outcome and the highest quality of care available.
Who can apply?
Applications are open to:
- CUH staff, as well as those who hold an honorary contract
- Academic staff from partner universities who work in collaboration with CUH
- Charities and organisations who deliver services and offer support to the wider CUH community.
What kinds of projects are funded?

ACT is proud to support projects:
- That are over and above NHS funding responsibilities
- Deliver clear benefit to patients at Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie.
If you have an idea that you think would make a positive difference to patients and you would like to discuss this before submitting an application, please do get in touch. And if you want even more detail on ACT’s approach to funding, our Charitable Expenditure Policy sets out the ACT Trustees’ policy on expenditure from ACT funds.
What types of funding can I apply for?
- General funding from ACT Charitable Funds
- ACT Grants
- Cambridge Clinical Research Fellowships Scheme
How can I apply?
All applications can be made through the ACT Funding Portal.
There’s a quick, one-time, registration process the first time you use the portal. Once you’re registered, you can log into the portal to check the progress of your application and you’ll be set up to make more applications in the future.
Contact us
If you have any questions about ACT funding, please email fundsandgrants@act4addenbrookes.org.uk. If you need to speak to somebody, please call our duty receptionist on 01223 217757. They will take a message and somebody from the team will call you back.