The speed and accuracy of a diagnosis can often be the difference between life and death. Which is why ACT is helping staff do exactly that quickly and accurately through the innovation and development of ever-improving diagnostic capabilities.
Below are some of the items you’ve helped fund:
Making MRI scans less scary for children
The prospect of an MRI scan can make many children very anxious, resulting in failed attempts or necessitating the use of general anaesthetic. ACT has funded ÂŁ2,000 to buy an inflatable MRI scanner, so children can familiarise themselves with the procedure in a fun environment and our play specialists can then work on any anxieties.
Fast and accurate photo testing for dermatology patients
With a grant of ÂŁ35,000, we have funded a new photo testing machine to help investigate and diagnose a range of skin conditions where patients are suspected of being sensitive to sun exposure. It offers faster, more accurate results for a wider range of conditions, improving the patient experience and enabling better outcomes.
MRI Incubator for the smallest, sickest babies
Doctors cannot use an MRI scan for babies under 37 weeks’ gestation, but this specialist MRI compatible incubator changes that, funded by the Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust and a generous legacy to ACT from Ann Mynott.
It allows babies as young as 25 weeks to be safely scanned. Babies can be put straight into the ÂŁ316,000 MRI scanner without any further transfer or handling, making it far safer and quicker, allowing a wider range of babies to be scanned, producing better quality images and reducing the risk of hypothermia.
Innovative software for personalised medicine research
Thanks to a previously funded slide scanner for the Human Research Tissue Bank, researchers could share results and collaborate without the need for actual tissue samples, saving time and money.
Further ACT funding of ÂŁ19,909 now provides innovative software and cloud storage that offers unique personalised platforms for research into, amongst other things, personalised breast cancer care and the 100,000 Genomes Project.
Faster cardiac MRI analysis
With a grant of ÂŁ55,854, we have been able to fund the purchase of new software used in cardiac MRI analysis. This upgrade in capability will allow much faster analysis of results for cardiac patients, as well as greater accuracy through some unique and innovative analysis tools.
All thanks to you
We’ve achieved so much thanks to our generous supporters, but there’s still more you can help us with.
- ÂŁ1 could buy an activity pack to keep a toddler busy while mum is waiting in an antenatal clinic
- ÂŁ10 could enable volunteers to take part in ground-breaking research that could save countless lives
- ÂŁ100 could help reduce cancer recurrence for 10 patients through a focussed rehabilitation session
- ÂŁ1,000 could help fund a breast cancer counsellor to provide vital psychological support for patients
- £108,000 could fully kit out an emergency children’s ambulance with live-saving equipment
We want to continue doing more for the hospital – please donate today – thank you.
To find out more, please contact us or call 01223 217757.
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