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Cambridge Clinical Research Fellowships Scheme

We run the Cambridge Clinical Research Fellowships Scheme with the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and The Evelyn Trust. The scheme awards grants at the entry point to the clinical academic training pathway. Grants cover a year of salary and consumables, enabling fellows to gain experience and collect pilot data. 

Applications are open once a year. Fellowships are for both medical and non-medical healthcare professionals (nurses, midwives, AHPs) and healthcare scientists.

Medical fellowship candidates should be trainee doctors who are post FY2. There is no requirement for medical fellowship candidates to have existing connections with CUH. Nurses, midwives, AHPs (NMAHPs) and healthcare scientists should be employees of CUH and/or the University of Cambridge.

The 2024 round closed on 29 November 2023.  Interviews were held on 17 April 2024 and we’ll let interviewees know the outcome on 11 June 2024.

If you would like to know when the 2025 round will open, please contact us at and we will let you know once the details are confirmed.