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ACT Grants

Patient Benefit Grants

To further the amazing work of Addenbrooke’s and The Rosie, ACT’s Patient Benefit Grants support projects over and above NHS core funding by investing in the latest equipment, cutting-edge treatments, creation of calm spaces for both patients and staff, as well as wellbeing projects that have a direct benefit for patients. 

  • These grants are made through the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC).
  • Typically, grants are up to £40,000.
  • The PAC meets four times each year and is made up of a multi-disciplinary body of CUH and ACT staff.

Innovation Grants

New ideas and technologies are vital if we are to continue raising the standards of healthcare and meeting the ever-increasing demands of today’s NHS. ACT’s Innovation Grants aim to seek new and innovative ways of providing health care. The intention is not to support current ways of delivering services, but to facilitate the development and adoption of new and improved ways of providing health care through product or process innovation. 

  • These grants are made through the innovation for Patient Benefit grant panel.
  • Typically, grants are up to £40,000.
  • Awards are for projects up to two years in duration and applications are considered twice a year.

Research Grants

Research is the driving force behind ongoing innovation and excellence in healthcare. ACT’s Research Grants support medical research that is vital for improving patient care. We aim to support innovative research, ‘pump prime’ pilot projects and new initiatives, build clinical research capacity and support research of exceptional relevance to patients and the NHS that otherwise would not be possible. 

  • These grants are made through the Research Advisory Committee (RAC).
  • The RAC meets four times each year and is made up of research experts from multiple disciplines.
  • Applications are considered on a rolling basis – any application that cannot be considered at any one time will roll over to the next meeting.
  • Applications over £25,000 should be discussed with the Chair of the RAC prior to making your application.

How do I apply?

Applications can be submitted through the ACT Funding Portal

What are the application deadlines?

You can submit an application at any time. Your application will be considered at the next relevant Committee meeting.

The meeting dates for 2025 are: