Press release
24 March 2020
With most of us at home to protect the NHS and save lives by limiting the spread of the coronavirus, it’s important to keep in touch with loved ones, friends and colleagues. That’s why we’re encouraging everyone who is now working at home to set up a virtual tea break at 3pm every day.
And there’s another way that staying home and having a virtual tea break can help our nurses and doctors. If you donate £3, the average price of a takeaway drink, each tea break, it will help local hospital staff fight the coronavirus crisis.

Your money could help fund emotional and physical wellbeing for staff on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis as well as iPads to allow families of patients in intensive care to communicate with their loved ones. Not being able to communicate can be very distressing especially during a crisis like this.
It’s so easy to do. Simply put the kettle on, pop some biccies on a plate, and set up a video call using WhatsApp, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype – or whatever works best. Then drink up, eat up, and enjoy a bit of company. Chat about everything and anything — just make sure you don’t talk about work!
Once teatime is over, then please donate the cost of your usual cuppa to your hospital and NHS heroes who are working hard on the front line to save lives during this unprecedented healthcare crisis. Donating is simple. As a group email to find out more about setting up a fundraiser or as an individual you can Text NHSTEA 3 to 70085 to donate £3 (standard message rates apply).
Emily Willdigg, Community Relationships Lead, said, “Get friends, family and colleagues to join in and try to have fun. Dig out your best mug and make sure there’s cake or biscuits to hand as you countdown to 3pm. Don’t forget to share your photos (or screen grabs) too.”
Thank you for helping our hospital and our NHS Heroes. Your support means so much to those on the frontline.
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