We offer several types of grants. Please see below to find out which one might be appropriate to your area of interest.
Patient benefit grants (Professional Advisory Committee)
ACT makes grants to support benefit patients through the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC). Typically, grants are up to ÂŁ40,000. The panel sits quarterly and is made up of a multi-disciplinary body of CUH and ACT staff. Applications are invited at any time. Applications can be submitted at any time via the ACT Funding Portal.
See table below for deadlines for grants panels.
Innovation grants
The Innovation for Patient Benefit grant panel make awards of up to ÂŁ40,000 that seek new and innovative ways of providing health care. Awards are for projects up to two years in duration and applications are considered twice a year. Applications can be submitted at any time via the ACT Funding Portal.
See table below for deadlines for grants panels.
Research grants
Applications for research funding are considered by the Research Advisory Committee, a panel made up of research experts from multiple disciplines. We are keen to support researchers at an early stage in their career and are particularly interested in research projects which act as a catalyst to further research or that bridge temporary funding gaps. . Applications can be submitted at any time via the ACT Funding Portal.
See below for deadlines for grants panels.
Deadlines for grants panels

CUH Approvals
ACT-funded expenditure needs sign-off and approvals in exactly the same way as if it were NHS-funded. The guide to approvals provides a reference as to what is required.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding funding, funds or grants please email fundsandgrants@act4addenbrookes.org.uk. If you need to speak to somebody, please call the duty receptionist on 01223 217757. They will take a message and somebody from the Charitable Expenditure Team will call you back.